Curriculum Vitae

Taiyuan University of Technology

College of physics and optoelectronics

TaiYuan, ShanXi 030001



Peng Jia, PhD

Personal Information

Date of Birth: Feb, 1986,

Place of Birth: Taiyuan, Shanxi, China

Citizenship: Chinese


Sep 2008 – Jun 2013

Nanjing University

PhD, Astronomical Instrumentation. Advisor: Professor Dingqiang Su and Professor Sijiong Zhang

Nanjing, China

Dissertation title: Simulation of adaptive optics

Sep 2004 – Jun 2008

Nanjing University of Science and Technology

Bachelor, Opto-electronic engineering. Advisor:Professor Qing Wang

Nanjing, China

Dissertation title: Auto detection of the fringe in the interferometer through machine vision

Research Experience

Jul 2013 – now

Image restoration for adaptive optics

Taiyuan University of Technology, College of physics and optoelectronics

Taiyuan, China

I studied the blind deconvolution for the restoration of astronomy images.

Jul 2008 – Jul 2013

Adaptive optics system design and simulation

Nanjing University, School of Astronomy and Space Sciences

Nanjing, China

I was working on telescope optics and new concepts in astronomical adaptive and wave--front sensing. I designed the atmospheric dispersion corrector for the LAMOST and simulated two adaptive optics systems with the Durham extremely large telescope adaptive optics simulation platform. I also studied the atmosphere's influence to the optical astronomical observations and designed the atmospheric turbulence phase screen for the adaptive optics system.



Optical Design,

College Physics,

College Astronomy.


Yifei Zhao, Bojun Cai, Xiyu Li, Caifeng Li, Yi Huang, Gang Xue, Yuanqing Zheng, Letian Kong

Former Graduates

Weinan Wang, Liwen Wang, Danfeng Liu

Skills & Activities


Optical System Design (with Zemax),

Adaptive Optics simulation and modeling (with Python and C),

Computer Vision and Machine Learning


Chinese (fluent), English (fluent)


I'm now working in smart optics system to maximise image quality of astronomical optic telescopes.

Publication List

Jia Peng, Alastair Basden, James Osborn, Ground Layer Adaptive Optics System Modelling for the Chinese Large Optical/Infrared Telescope, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 09/2018; 479(1):829-843.

Wang Weinan, Jia Peng, Cai Dongmei, Liu Huigen, Automated clustering method for point spread function classification, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 08/2018; 478(4):5684-5695.

Jia Peng, Sun Rongyu, Wang Weinan, Cai Dongmei, Blind deconvolution with principal components analysis for wide-field and small-aperture telescopes.  Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 07/2017; 470 (2): 1950-1959.

Sun Rongyu, Jia Peng, Image Restoration Based on Statistic PSF Modeling for Improving the Astrometry of Space Debris. Publication of the Astronomical Society of Pacific. 04/2017; 129:044502-044512.

Jia Peng, Dongmei Cai, Dong Wang, Alastair Basden: Real–time generation of atmospheric turbulence phase screen with non-uniform fast Fourier transform. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 06/2015; 450(1):38-44.

Jia Peng, Dongmei, Cai, Dong Wang, Alastair Basden: Simulation of atmospheric turbulence phase screen for large telescope and optical interferometer. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 03/2015; 447(4):3467-3474.

Peng Jia, Dongmei Cai, Dong Wang: Parallel blind deconvolution of astronomical images based on the fractal energy ratio of the image and regularization of the point spread function. Experimental Astronomy 07/2014;

Peng Jia, Sijiong, Zhang: Simulation of a ground—layer adaptive optics system for the Kunlun Dark Universe Survey Telescope. Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics 07/2013;

Peng Jia, Sijiong, Zhang: Performance modeling of the adaptive optics system on the 2.16m telescope. Science China: Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy 01/2013;

Peng Jia, Sijiong, Zhang: Ground layer adaptive optics system simulation for the 2.5m telescope in Dome A. Proc. of SPIE, 07/2012;

Peng Jia, Sijiong, Zhang: Simulation and fabrication of the atmospheric turbulence phase screen based on a fractal model. Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics 05/2012;

Ding-qiang, Su, Peng Jia, Genrong, Liu: The atmospheric dispersion corrector for the Large Sky Area Multi—object Fibre spectroscopic Telescope (LAMOST). Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 10/2011.


Peng Jia, Dong Wang, Dongmei Cai: Blind Deconvolution based on the point spread function reconstruction of the adaptive optics system, (Chinese Patent No. 201410026675).

Peng Jia, Dong Wang, Dongmei Cai: A general design method for atmospheric turbulence phase screen based on ODE, (Chinese Patent No.201410495995).



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